How to time track a similar task?

There will be situations when user will be working on the same task of the same project which they have been working on earlier in the day or previously. It might be just that, that they might have taken a break – for lunch etc. In such times, user need not type-in the same task and select the project. There are two ways to track similar tasks:

Method 1: 

User can click on the 3 vertical dots visible at the right-most end of a time tracked record/row as shown below:

On clicking the 3 vertical dots as shown in the above image, a drop-down appears. Click on ‘COPY’ to copy the details of that row. User can notice that the same details – task description and project are copied to the Tracker. Now, user can just click on the ‘PLAY’ button to start the time tracking timer. 

Method 2:

User can click on the ‘play’ button of the time tracked record and timer will start with the same details of task description and project selection as shown below:


User can notice that there is a number at the beginning of the row. This denotes the count of same entries as shown below: